

Tutorial: Welders Hat

I got a great welders styled hat for Christmas a couple of years ago, I loved it dearly but I sat on it (without realising of course) and crushed it out of shape *smacks forehead*. I should make one of these.

There are some pretty helpful comments under the tute, make sure you have a bit of a read before you get started to avoid potential frustrations.

Spotted at the Ricochet and Away blog.


Music to Make to: Lykke Li

Little Bit

A little bit cute, but only if you think it’s a little bit cute too.


Tutorials: Water Bottle Chandelier

Okay, I admit when I first saw the heading for this little project I thought, hmm okay.... Acceptable at a hobo's dinner party maybe but I would never...

Well, after looking at the end result and digesting its awesomeness, I'm going to start thieving used water bottles from my neighbours recycling bin.

Click here to be re-directed to the tute on the Oh Happy Day blog you can find other really amazing DIYs there too!

Did you know that Australians recycle only 36% of their PET plastic drink bottles? Isn't that just shocking?